
WaveCapture Final orders

Before the end of this year we will liquidate the company. This means that we will not accept any more orders after the liquidation. Latest dongle versions will still be avalible for downloading on the web and also on my personal web. Support will be very limited:

We have discussed for a couple of years with a major company to form a team to develop the WaveCapture software to the next generation. Everything was ready to sign the deal in this spring; agreement was made, source code was analyzed by a third part and it’s status was in perfect condition. However the pandemy stopped the deal on the finish line.

We have a few organisation who maybe are willing to take over the source code, but nothing to report yet.



Tuning-Capture Plus

Tuning-Capture Plus added three main features:
- Supports four channel audio interface, three measurement positions can be captured simultaneously.
- Transfer Function, for those who are used to tune in real time.
- Room resonance detection.
Tuning-Capture Plus upgrade is available for Tuning- and Live-Capture light license holders.

WaveCapture won the tender of RT-Capture noise logging system in Norway.

WaveCapture won the tender on 200pcs RT-Capture noise logging system purchased by MUO (Musikkutstyrsordningen). MUO's state-subsidized agencies to bring new technology to music venues. The project partly aims to reduce noise levels at venues in Norway but also a research project to investigate noise levels and its spectra.
For the purpose, the RT-Capture3 developed with MUO standard that can log both the A and C weighted quantities (LAeq, LCeq, LAF, LCF and LCpeak) and octave and third octave bands Logging.
All data is automatically sent to an FTP server at Lydrommet in Oslo, where various research projects can retrieve data.
MUO has decided to start using the limits organizers in Denmark uses, ie 102 dB LAeq during 15min. (This is different from Norwegian Directorate of Health's recommendation of 99 dB for 30 minutes, similar to the DIN
To give FOH engineer a guide, RT-Capture display a SPL-window with a recommended level - Remaining Leq. This has now been adapted so it works for 15 minutes periods. When the period is so short, it does not work so well with periodically Leq budget. When the first 15 min has elapsed, so a sliding window 15min successively in time and updates Leq budget. We call this "Sliding Remaining Leq".
Wave Capture will implement a general octave/ third octave bands logging alongside MUO standard and the Swedish 2014: 13 noise emission standard.
In this guide, the administrator can set their own limits for each octave band and third-octave band's level.


FIR-Capture is now released and chan be ordered here.

EZPro is our exlusive distributor in China

EZPro now serves as the exclusive distributor for WaveCapture in Greater China. This year at InfoComm China 2016, we are going to showcase WaveCapture products at booth EC601 during the exhibition, 13-15 April. We believe it provides a perfect opportunity for audio professionals in China to experience these powerful tools firsthand.

Lydrommet Supports WaveCapture in Norway and Denmark

Since 21 Februari 2016, Lydrommet is the official distributor for WaveCapture in Norway. Lydrommet is now in charge of sales, support and training.

Windows 10 & Soundcards

Our softwares are tested in Windows 10 and they work fine but there are still many issues with Windows 10 and soundcards, we have had good success with RME Fireface series and Roland Quad-Capture. The ESI MAYA22 USB is a sad story, they removed the possibility to use the Mic and Hi-Z input at the same time with their new v1.7 drivers so it can ONLY be used with our RT-Capture software. So if you decide to upgrade to Windows 10 you should check if the manufacturer have updated drivers that work and/or if you are buying a new computer with Windows 10 you may have to buy a new soundcard.

Lake Controller v6.4 issue solved

Since Lake Controller v6.4.0 the old Lake plug-in in Live-Capture stopped working. There is now a new plug-in called Lake v2 included in the latest Live-Capture that can export eq curves directly to the Lake Controller v6.4 and up.

Solution for users having problem installing

If you are using Windows Vista/7/8.x you might have problems installing, this has to do with the UAC and the solution is right click on the installer and select "Run as administrator" as depicted below. In our future installers this will not be necessary since the installers will elevate to admin rights by itself..

Some notes regarding networking in Windows 8

Microsoft have added a packet filter in Windows 8 that will block non standard UDP ports, this will create problems for softwares like Remote-SPL, RT-Capture, Live-Capture Pro and Live-Capture Light.
To solve this there is a hotfix on the Microsoft web site with a description on how to set it up, and it is found here in English (and here in Swedish).
The port range that should be enabled for the Remote-SPL and RT-Capture combo is: 55000 - 55257
The port range for Live-Capture Pro/Light is: 60022 - 60029
When using the Lake eq plug-in found in Live-Capture Pro and Room-Capture it should have been solved by the Lake Controller installer, otherwise open ports: 6000 - 6015

Note: You should only apply the fix linked above if the networking functions fail.

DV2 supports WaveCapture in France

Depuis février 2013, DV2 est désormais distributeur des produits WaveCapture pour la France et en assure le support et la formation.
Vous pouvez passer commande des logiciels ou demander une version de démo directement sur notre site

Since february 1st, DV2 is the official distributor for WaveCapture softwares for France.
DV2 is now in charge of sales, support and training for french speaking users.
You are invited to visit

After twenty years of research and development WaveCapture are proud to present the first expert system for generating FIR-filter coefficients based on measurements; FIR-Capture.

SPL-logging over LAN
WaveCapture are introducing two new features to the sound level logging software RT-Capture:
o RT-Capture now provides a Web-server, for SPL-display over WLAN in your smart-phone.
o New software Remote-SPL; for displaying multiple RT-Capture’s SPL-displays over LAN.


A Web-server can be enabled in the Setup menu. It will make an SPL-display available as a webpage in html format at standard port 80. The web page can be viewed by any web-browsers in desktops, laptops or smart-phones.
The page will be refreshed according to the Refresh rate setting (1 – 3600s).
An initial delay is set to 10s to be sure that Windows has initiated the LAN before the web page is broadcasted.
To be able to view the web page for RT-Capture, just log in on the LAN or WLAN there the RT-Capture is connected and enter the URL line in the address field in the browser. Either the IP address for the RT-capture PC or the alias name can be used, preceded by http://.


Old news

USB power-save problem
New motherboards have power save on the USB-ports. This can cause lost connection with USB soundcards and USB-dongle. This is critical during SPL logging as none is operating the PC and the energy saver turns on. Note that even if the general power save is disabled in the control panel, this USB power save still can cause problems. Please go to the Device Manager and open each USB-hub and turn off the energy saver.

Windows 7
WaveCapture software works on Windows 7 and Vista. Soundcard drivers can be a problem.

Mac OS X
RT-Capture 2 works fine using Wine in Mac OS X.

Please take a look at our documents and papers...